Select the item you're interested in from your photo, cut it from its current background and place it on a new one. Supports JPG, PNG, BMP, TIGG, GIF and ICO images.
Photo Crop Editor turns a complex and delicate job into a simple and gratifying task. It can remove any object from its background easily and accurately, so that you can then use it to create a new composition or simply substitute the original background with a nicer image or the color of your choice. Suitable for all users, this tool works beautifully with any JPG, BMP, GIF, TIFF, PNG, or ICO image file.
The entire retouching process requires but three or four simple steps, and Photo Crop Editor offers you a clear, concise, and accurate tutorial that will guide you through the cropping process in an efficient way. The program will remove the lion’s share of the selected background with just two simple clicks. Then, it is for you to decide if you wish to spend a few more minutes fine tuning the program’s selection or if you’re happy with the proposed results. In case you are a perfectionist, the program comes with an excellent yet simple matting tool that will allow you to isolate the tiniest objects in all kinds of irregular edges, such as hairs, frills, or fringes. It analyses the selected section on a pixel by pixel basis, providing the most amazing results.
The resulting extracted objects can then be combined to create a new image/collage with the background of your choice or placed over a different background to create a completely new scene. more